Friday, February 6, 2015


Evidence Based Protocol – Concussion Summit

When You attend the Concussion Summit what will you leave with?
neck_dvdYou will know how to properly strength train the muscles of the head and neck. The Protocol you will be taught is the Only Evidence-Based, clinically tested method proven to lower concussion rates, reduce likelihood of spinal injury,and simply create an athlete better prepared for contact. The Protocol can be performed manuallyhands on or with the Head and Neck Isolator machine.
This certification will give you the skills to better Protect and Prepare Your Athletes for Competition.
1tonka 2Date: Friday, April 10th, 2015   Doors Open at 8am. Summit Begins 8:30am
Where: Minnetonka High School:
Presentations will be in the The Forum
Demonstrations will be in the Pagel Center Weight Room (on the Minnetonka High School Campus)
Every coach says, “they care about the health of their athletes”. Here is your chance to prove it while improving your skills as a coach.
Become a Certified as a Head and Neck Training Specialist!